What/Who is Good to Go at Waiheke Ostend Market?
A group of waste experts in conjunction with our market organisers who want to take action'.
Good to Go will do so by providing reusable and sterilised cups and plates to the community for free use at Waiheke Ostend Market to use for their coffee, drinks or meals!
The Waste Problem
2,950,000 disposable cups used everyday in New Zealand.
This includes compostable single use cups as most of them are never composted and end up contaminating recycling streams and in landfill.
Waiheke Ostend Market’s compostable service ware is currently composted by Compost Co. However, Compost Co. is aiming to phase out its collection of compostable materials and focus solely on food scrap collection. This is because compostable products add no benefit to the compost and are time and energy consuming to compost. They also contain unwanted chemical additives such as PFOAS which make them waterproof.
The Solution
Good to Go at Waiheke Ostend Market will provide free, reusable cups, plates and cutlery for all on-site food and beverages as Waiheke Bean has already been doing at the market for years. Nice one Waiheke Bean!
Our system will make Waiheke Ostend Market truly zero waste as “reuse eliminates waste before it starts,” Miriam Gordon (2020) Reuse wins: the environmental, economic, and business case for transitioning from single-use to reuse in food service (UPSTREAM).
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
How does it work?
Grab a cup or plate and cutlery from our Good to Go stall.
Place your order at your chosen stall
Place your cup or plate on the counter
Wait for the server to indicate that you can collect your drink or meal
Enjoy a waste-free treat
Place your used serviceware in our buckets to be washed and reused. Voila.
How much is it?
Free! Our focus is on using good quality pre used containers where possible.
What are the benefits of this service?
Our mission is to reduce unnecessary waste to landfill of which traditional paper takeaway coffee cups are a massive source.
Good to Go aims to reduce the number of paper cups and takeaway containers as much as possible with a goal to support a 100% reusables Waiheke in the future.
That means eco-containers being composted, no dirty paper going to landfill or totally non-recyclable greasy plastic containers being sent to landfill from our caring and conscious island community.
You’ll also be supporting your local market vendors as they try their best to become low-waste, win-win!
I love this service! How can I share the love?
Please follow us on instagram, take a photo of your cute ugly mug, coffee or whatever you’ve treated yourself to and tag #goodtogowaiheke on your posts.
Give us a shoutout on whichever social media platform you choose to use by posting this link to our instagram. https://www.instagram.com/goodtogowaiheke
If you’re really feeling the #reuserevolution then be sure to talk to friends and business owners who are not currently onboard about our mission to reduce throwaway containers because in Aotearoa we choose to reuse!